Manhattan Arts Grants Final Report

Congratulations on completing your Manhattan Arts Grants-awarded project! We are pleased to be a part of your project's support this year and we look forward to learning more about your project's events and activities.

This Final Report form will allow LMCC to better understand your success and challenges, report to our funders on the impact of these grant awards, and improve our programs and services with your feedback.

Note: The Final Report must be completed no later than 30 days after the project ends.

The Final Report includes 5 sections:

I. Grantee Information
II. Public Component Details
III. Project Income and Expenses
IV. Project Images
V. Grantee Feedback (Optional)

Helpful tips to complete this report: 

  • We recommend allotting 30 minutes to complete this report. 
  • Please have Exhibit A of your grant contract available to reference some required information. 
  • Once you have started the Final Report, the form will periodically save to your account. However, we highly encourage you to use the "Save Draft" button at the bottom of the form before exiting. Each time you save, the latest draft will be kept in your Submittable account. Please note: if you have this form open in multiple windows, Submittable will autosave the version that is last open.
  • Once you have completed the Final Report, make sure to click on the "Submit" button at the bottom of the form. You will receive an automated confirmation email when your Final Report has been successfully submitted.     

Questions? ¿Preguntas? 有疑問嗎? 

We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.